Tea parties, tea parties everywhere!!!!!

It’s been a busy old Summer from stunning Weddings, beautiful Memorial teas and Happy Baby Showers.  Hope you are all enjoying the Summer.   Here are a few events Me Old Vintage China have put on.

You can make an old village hall look stunning but I equally enjoy laying out my wares in people’s home.  I particularly love this following photo a Memorial Tea to send off a much loved Father and Husband.

Or when you have a hall as your venue you have to get there as early as you can and the manic prepping of making everywhere look beautiful starts.  It is always a race against the clock I don’t think any village hall ever lets you in early enough but it keeps me on my toes and we always pull it off.  This is a 70th I did for my friend’s Mum who lives in Cornwall.  Yes my beautiful crockery went on on a scary road trip but nothing got broken – phew!!!

Any finally there are the care homes, where teas are laid out in the community room.  Whether it’s a Memorial Tea or a Thank You party for volunteers, helpers, crafters or a charity tea it’s always lovely to have some bright flowers on your table.

So as I say a busy old Summer.  One more tea party to go then I am swapping the land of scones for the land of Tiramisu.  HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone xx